Medical Certificate Online
Request a medical certificate online
Get A Medical Certificate Online Now
If you are feeling unwell, your work, university, or otherwise you may need a doctor's certificate to prove you are unable to fulfil your responsibilities.
Book an appointment with our online service and our Australian registered doctors will determine if you are unfit for work, university or any other scheduled commitments you have. If approved your medical certificate will be issued promptly by email.
Features of the service
- A low fee of $34.95
- Same-day appointments are available in as little as 1 hour from booking
- 3-5 minute consultation with an Australian registered doctor
- Certificate quickly provided via email after the appointment (if approved)

Can you get medical certificates online?
Yes, as our doctors are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), they are able to work and issue medical certificates online in accordance with telehealth guidelines. Just like in a regular clinic, you’ll be asked to answer a series of questions about your health and medical history. You’ll book a time after your assessment for a brief 3-5 minute video/ phone consult with our doctor for final confirmation. Using this information they can determine if you are eligible for a doctor's medical certificate online.
If our doctors are unable to assist you with your needs, they will ask that you see a doctor in person and we will provide a full refund on the consultation.
Get A Medical Certificate Online Now
What can I get an online medical certificate for?
Our doctors are able to provide medical certificates online for a number of conditions. The most common conditions our doctors can provide medical certificates for are:
- Viral illnesses eg. cold and flu
- Minor injuries (for major injuries report to your regular GP)
- Gastro illnesses including nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea
- Migraine/ Headache
- Back pain
- Period pain
- Other conditions subject to circumstances
Due to the limitations of an online assessment, we do require you to seek medical attention if your symptoms persist or worsen.
What will an online medical certificate cover?
Our certificates will cover the most common reasons for people requiring a certificate including:
- absence from work (sick leave)
- Missing scheduled university responsibilities
- Most other official commitments
While our online doctor certificate will cover most situations, there are some which will require you to see a doctor in person for a physical assessment. We cannot provide:
- Work cover certificates (workers compensation insurance)
- Centrelink certificates
- Legal appearances
- Covid clearance or exemptions
- Fit for work clearance certificates
- Long term injury certificates
Why an online medical certificate works
Booking a GP consultation in person can be difficult as you need to find one with last-minute availability, drag your unwell self to a waiting room and expose yourself to healthy and sick people alike.
Stay home instead by consulting an Australian registered medical professional through a video consultation. Many consultations for minor illnesses and injuries can be handled in the comfort of your home with a video consult. There’s no need for a sick person to drag themselves to an appointment when they should be resting to recover as quickly as possible. Stay in bed, consult our doctor online and get sent a medical certificate without wasting your time, money and energy.
We don’t have to pay out for expensive overheads so we can offer a much lower price for a medical certificate consultation than traditional appointments.
What else does Simple Online Doctor offer?
Other than medical certificates, Simple Online Doctor offers easy access to new and repeat prescriptions through both digital and video consultations with Australian registered medical professionals. Our team of doctors and pharmacists offer flexible consultations from the comfort of your own home with the option for your treatments to be delivered to your door all across Australia.
Our ultimate goal is to provide easy to access, quality healthcare to all Australians no matter their location, busy lifestyle, or situation.
Is an online medical certificate the same as an in-person certificate?
All medical certificates issued online with Simple Online Doctor are legally the same as ones you would get in person from a doctor. They contain all the necessary information needed by your employer or university including our doctor's credentials, signature and the date(s) covered.
What information is on the certificate?
The medical certificates issued will contain all the necessary information including:
- Your full name
- The doctor's name, address, credentials and signature
- The date of the consultation
- The dates our doctor has determined you are unfit to fulfil work or schooling commitments
- Occasionally, a diagnosis upon your request. This information is not usually included for privacy reasons. Should your employer require this information on the certificate, please notify our doctor during the consultation.
What are your responsibilities as an employee for sick leave?
According to fair work, an employer can ask for a medical certificate as evidence of being unable to work due to an illness or injury for as little as one day or less as sick leave claimed by an employee. Failure to provide evidence to your employer when instructed to will remove your entitlement to claim the time as sick leave.
Your industry award or agreement will outline what kind of evidence is required and the reasonable circumstances it can be requested in. Online medical certificates are one type of widely accepted evidence for entitlement to sick leave.
What if my work does not accept my medical certificate?
There is no reason for a university or employer to not accept short term medical certificates for leave. They fulfil all the legal requirements and are legal documents.
If they doubt the legitimacy of the certificate we can be contacted at [email protected]. For long term medical certificates, your employer may need more information about your fitness for work and you should consult a doctor in person.
How long will the medical certificate cover?
This will be at the discretion of our doctors. Most medical certificates will cover between 1-3 days depending on the condition and severity of your condition. If you are still unwell at the end of the covered dates, it is recommended to see a doctor in person for a review and extension on the certificate.
Can you backdate my medical certificate?
This will depend on your individual circumstances and our doctor's discretion. If they are able to determine you were likely unfit one day prior to your appointment, they may be able to assist. Asking for 2 or more days backdating may result in you being referred to your GP and refunded.